What is Antahkarana and why is it important?

Antahkarana is an ancient healing symbol which does not need any attunement nor does it belong to any particular Reiki system. Which means you don't have to be a Reiki Master to benefit from it's healing power. However, Merging this powerful symbol with Reiki brings profound outcome. It is known to be the bridge between the physical self and higher self. Later I'll share some of the more popular ways to use the Antahkarana in your every day life. 

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10 Signs you see on the Road to Success

Success is interesting. No two successes are exactly the same, but there are many similarities. As your success grows, you’ll notice certain signs along the way. Knowing these signs in advance can be motivating. As you notice one, you’ll feel a new wave of motivation since you know you’re making progress.

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Is Your Body Trying to tell you something?

Paying Attention to Your Body's Signals for Optimal Health Your body is a marvelous creation! It speaks to you when it's doing great, and it also speaks to you when things aren't so wonderful. But that's the beauty of it - your body gives a ton of signals to let you know it's in need of something so you can do what's necessary to achieve optimal health. Use these strategies to tune in to what your body is telling you: 

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