Manifesting Blessings- Affirmations are you over thinking it?

Affirmations are much easier than we make them out to be. To use affirmations as a form of manifesting a change we need to be clear, specific and detailed in what we want. Here are a few examples of some common affirmations ...

Blessings follow me wherever I go.

In all things, I am blessed and I make it a point to take notice of all the good in my life.

I seek out opportunities to demonstrate this gratitude by living with a sense of abundance.

Self-Reflection Questions: 1. How have blessings manifested in my life in the past few weeks?

2. What are three things I can be thankful for today?

3. What are some positive surprises that have arisen from events I initially perceived as negative?

I Find self written Affirmations be be more powerful than those surging the web... The real problem for a lot of us is we're over thinking it!!!! 

Affirmations should be Clear, confident, present, and powerful... our subconscious doesn't understand negative words. So if you're planning to change a behavior your affirmations should be focused on the new desired behavior and not stopping the negative behavior. for instance to quit smoking a positive affirmation would be "I breathe only fresh clean air" ... 


interestingly enough most of the "money manifesting affirmations I see online are actually repelling those funds you desire... To manifest better finances a good example affirmation would be "I am pleased to receive money in exchange for my energy daily" or I am wealthy by nature". Did you notice there is no mention of a time frame? That's because when we wish things to happen we need to tell ourselves it's already happening NOW!!! 


The more you really believe your affirmations deep in your core the faster they will be your reality. When you say your affirmations visualize them in detail, see it, feel it, smell it, how does it make you feel emotionally...


What are your top Subjects you'd like to have come to life in your manifestation journey? I'd love to hear more from you... what do you need help with most in your manifesting journey?

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