To the woman who is where I was 10 years ago... you are not alone!
A few years ago I was in an emotional briar patch, praying for a way out!
Does this feel familiar?
I was struggling to keep my head above water so to speak... As a single mom with 2 kids doing "everything" I knew to do just to SURVIVE! I worked my butt of in a job I HATED, Doing things I hated doing... I felt like there was no other way
we have to pay the bills and feed those KIDS!!!
it felt like I was drowning in the chaos, the doubt, and fear!
Survival mode was sucking the life out of me! I felt like I was suffocating!
They say "fake it till you make it"... I tried so hard!
But it all felt fake!
It felt like the harder I tried to do the thing the further I sank in the briars... LIKE hurt!
I was in physical, emotional and spiritual pain!
Sound familiar?
All I wanted was for someone to hold out their hand and guide me through to the other side ...
I'm not going to sugar coat it and give you the 1 day it all changed story we all hear so often...
BUT there was a pivot moment.. a plot twist that changed everything!!!
It did start with 1 day, 1 choice!
"Small choices & steps in the right direction do add up to big change!" Darren H.
I won't go into detail on the long route I took to get to where I am today... BUT there is an easier way than the route I took!

We just need the right map to get us where we're trying to go ... you can't use a map of Europe to navigate Florida!!! (I TRIED THAT)
Your GPS can't get you where you're going if you don't have the right information to tell it where to take you!
So...What's the point to all of this?
My mission is to help You simplify the path to living Your soul passion.. to give you the GPS route to get you from the sticky patch you've been circling in for so long to the life you WISH you had!
I'll be your guide through the storms... your path doesn't have to keep you in the briar patch!
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⦁ Releasing FOREVER , tendencies toward blocking, limiting and /sabotaging yourself -and start enjoying new, self tailored practices that build you up, empower you and efficiently move you ahead in your life of abundance
Success - your success- is never an accident but the result of a regularly applied strategy, actions, and an internal framework that fully OVERCOMES the small you- and engages your lives vitality as the maximum you!
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Click to order now Healing starts when you commit to YOURSELF!
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