“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” TESLA
Our Vibration is what allows things to remain the same, or allows us to magnetically attract new and exciting abundance into our lives...
my Mentor Jerry brought up a good point in one of our sessions " you can either choose to live in ground hog day where everything ALWAYS STAYS THE SAME... or you can choose to increase your vibration"
lifting your vibration doesn't have to be difficult.... when we work on our own vibration we create an echo to those around us especially those we spend the most time with. raising your vibration can be a slow process if you're just learning and even for those experienced in vibrational energies when we choose to work alone.
BY working in teams or groups we create an amplifier effect.. which raises the group vibration simultaneously.. as a collective the more people we can bring in to involve in the energy lifting process the faster it works.
Choose to Leave the rat race!!
We can live in abundance, we have the choice to find the recourses around us.
I heard a story once that really helped me see just how important it is to create together...
There was a young man who murdered another, at the trial the mother of the boy who was killed appeared for sentencing. As they took the young man away the mother said "I will kill you" ... she visited this young man in prison throughout his sentence they began to bond and build a relationship.. The mother discovered this young man had no family, he was an orphan struggling to just survive never feeling love, never knowing the security and the safety of a home with family.. the day came for the young man to be released.. The mother was there!!
She asked him where he would go, since she knew he had no family nor friends who would care for him while he got on his feet to find his way...
He replied "I don't know" ... the mother then convinced the young man to go home with her, she provided a safe secure place for the young man to discover who he was meant to be. She treated him differently than he had ever been treated...
The mother soon asked the young man if she could adopt him... her son had died, she no longer had a child... as an orphan he also had no family.. when the young man hesitated the mother asked him " Do you remember what I told you in the court room that day?"... he simply replied with a yes... she explained to him that she had done just that... he was no longer the young man who was in that court room... that young man has passed and the man he is today is a new man, a loved and cherished treasure
He was a completely different human being!!! the critical ingredients in this process are forgiveness and love
While the story is primarily focused on the young man, we also must realize the changes the mother experienced in this process... healing her grief by loving the man who took her son from her couldn't have been easy... it may not have even been her intention to LOVE this boy who took her son... and then became her son
the butterfly effect was bigger than just 1 of them, this process of love and forgiveness transformed them both together, creating something bigger and more powerful than hate or pain... the process of transformation in this story transcended those low vibrational emotions to create something POWERFUL!!!
You see we are all creators of our universe, we co-create the world we live in ... we choose what vibrational energies we stay in or grow to..
What we need to do as human beings is go beyond forgiveness... if you look deeper into forgiveness, no human can do right and no wrong... if we take a deeper look at the mother's story as an experience... facing that situation as an experience and not as an emotional drain taking from her...she was able to gain a son and create a loving relationship that encourages others still to this day
The young man on his own without the mother's love would have struggled to let go of his past, his old self identity, the identity he thought he was...
Together they have been able to create a beautiful story of transformation and raising vibrations..
LOve allowed this mother to shift this man's life... we are all 1 tribe 1 human family 1 energy force creating in unison...
Our heart is a built in amplifier... it's up to us to clean the energies we allow into our heart center to ensure what comes out in a magnetic energy is positive
There are a few simple tools I've implemented in my daily routine to ensure my heart is amplifying the energies I want to see grow in my daily life.
1. Subliminal messaging... since I'm on my computer most of my working day this tool has been very helpful to keep those subliminal messages... I have the control of the messages to make sure it's something I want embedded in my energies
2. This one is like manifesting magic ... I schedule time in each morning to make sure I'm setting my path in the right direction each day.
3. Daily meditation breaks I absolutely love having the safe reliable option of guided meditations to keep me on my path or bring me back to it when I stumble... Jerry's healing meditations are my favorite, I love having the app on the go!!
For more tips and ideas on re-directing your energies or focusing your heart amplifier check out some of my other blog posts
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