Manifesting always sounded cool and mysterious to me.. I never really understood how it worked
They said focus on living your dream imagine living it now... taste it feel it be it... BUT I had no idea how or where to even begin!!
I knew what I wanted, I just had no idea how to taste my dream... I had no idea how to smell my dream... I told myself "I guess that means I'll never get to live it out and I'll just have to settle for the "normal" box I've been trying to live in."
Boy was I wrong!!!
When our soul desires something we need to honor it, and listen!!

For some this means having their dream vacations, others their family adventures.... but for me
my soul has longed for this quaint little cottage tucked away in a hill side with gardens, critters, barns and orchards... I was manifesting the wrong things!!!
When I discovered my true dream my eyes were opened and manifesting became second nature...
I found some really awesome tools and tricks along the way that helped me develop and discover things about myself I never knew.
When I found the "Manifesting Secrets" My mind was blown!!! It really is that good of a "SECRET" they didn't even share the magic... Discover the magic for yourself ... I dripped the link above as a bonus to today's hot 3 tools ;)
OK, OK enough about me... that's not why you're really here.... you're here to discover how these tools can help you live your dream life
1 Listening to the right things!!! Boot camp Makes that EASY!!! What we feed our minds grows in our minds... so to help me stay on target subconsciously I listen to these audios in the background while I work every day!! Download Your FREE Hypnosis Booster MP3!
What do you MOST want to work on today? Brain Power. Law of Attraction. Wealth. Weight Loss. Confidence.
2 Learning the secrets of plugging in!! I know it sounds silly after all most gurus say to unplug and just be... But what If you could plug into any MASTERMIND and instantly know, feel and do exactly what you wanted to learn? I know it sounds far fetched... but YOU CAN!!! HERE'S HOW Believe it or not the research behind this is more than 40 years old... proven and documented!!!
3 VISUALIZE IT I know I already said this hadn't worked before... but that's when I was over thinking it!!! I'm sure we're all familiar with the concept of subliminal messaging... what IF you cold program those messages yourself, and run them while you're working all day? I've been sending myself messages the whole time I've been typing, in my online conferences, and even while I'm surfing social media.... I get to choose the messages so I know what I'm feeding my brain.... and the best part I started "seeing" the difference in just 1 day!!!! GO AHEAD Reprogram your mind
There are other options like ReprogramME, NLP Hero, Brainwave secrets, Hypnosis Live, Zen12, SubliminalGuru, all of which deserve their own blog post... and I'll get to them... but for now I wanted to focus on the 3 above
I'd love to hear your experiences with these fab tools too!! Before you go check out these Inspire3 gifts ...
The Devine in me honors the Devine in you
Namaste... go throw some love bombs ... share this post with friends
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