What is Antahkarana and why is it important?

Antahkarana is an ancient healing symbol which does not need any attunement nor does it belong to any particular Reiki system. Which means you don't have to be a Reiki Master to benefit from it's healing power. However, Merging this powerful symbol with Reiki brings profound outcome. It is known to be the bridge between the physical self and higher self. Later I'll share some of the more popular ways to use the Antahkarana in your every day life. 

Like most things the Antahkarana has both a feminine (left) and masculine (right) energy. The Yin and Yang energies they hold balance each other out. 

NoteYou might notice a similarity between the Antahkarana and the malevolent “Swastika” from Nazi symbolism. In their case, its purpose was to manipulate and dominate. The Swastika has nothing in common with the original Antahkarana – which is meant to cleanse, heal and connect to the Divine higher-self. Its purity and beneficial energy should be promoted and harmoniously used for our evolution as human beings.


The word Antahkarana originates in Sanskrit – Antar means “interior”, or “within”, and Karana means “sense”, or “organ”.

But the subject at hand has a different reference. 

Michele Griffith, the known clairvoyant, and healer, says that this symbol has its roots at the beginning of the lost civilization of Lemuria – on the Mu continent. That would make it about 100.000 years old.

The story goes that humanity needed to reestablish their connection between their rational mind and their higher-self. At that time, the council of enlightened masters (lightworkers) created this symbol to aid humanity in its evolution.

Therefore this symbol represents a collective consciousness.

There are 4 versions of Antahkarana Symbol: Male, Female, Cosmic Cross and Squares.

Male – Direct, intense and penetrating energy. Use when you need fast healing.

Female – Nurturing and gentle energy. It is not as intense as Male Antahkarana energy. You can use this for subtle and relaxed healing.

Cosmic Cross – Opens heart chakra to positive energy and accept love.

Squares – Removes negativity, blockages and stagnant energies. Helps energy flow freely. It is advisable to ground yourself with Male Antahkarana symbol after using square symbol.

How To Use The Antahkarana Symbol

The most effective and important use of the Antahkarana symbol is its presence. By simply placing the symbol in a room, it will have a positive influence on the energy and people in that room.

With its shape, Antahkarana is able to literally cut the negative thoughts and energies that come close to it.


Listed below are some ways to use Antahkarana symbol for healing purpose.

  1. Simply sticking or placing Antahkarana in any room is enough to create an illness free and healthy atmosphere.
  2. It is most effective in fighting any illness.
  3. Any object or anything placed between 2 Antahkarana symbols will be cleared of all negativities.
  4. Male and female Antahkarana symbols neutralizes any kind of energy.
  5. Crystals can be cleansed by placing them between 2 Antahkarana symbols.
  6. Place Antahkarana symbol under bed or mattress to promote better sleep.
  7. Place Antahkarana symbol on chakras to balance chakras.
  8. Charge your food and water to purify by placing it on Antahkarana. It acts as a detoxifier.
  9. Place near electronic gadgets to reduce EMF effect.
  10. Meditation with Antahkarana symbol gives inner clarity, improves immunity and establish stronger connection with spiritual realms.
  11. If you are going through unbearable heartache, placing a Cosmic Cross symbol helps release the pain.
  12. Sticking or placing it anywhere in room neutralizes negative energy as well as transmute it to positive energy.
  13. Dispels negative effects from medicines when placed beneath medicines or in first aid box.
  14. During Reiki sessions, place symbol directly face down on chakras or organs and give Reiki by placing palms few inches above it. It amplifies Reiki healing.
  15. Keep symbol on or under working desk to keep negativity and psychic attacks off from colleagues.
  16. Make a sandwich of 2 Antahkarana symbols and your/client’s pic/name for faster and optimize healing.
  17. A printed cloth of Antahkarana symbol is helpful in healing as you can easily place it on client.
  18. If you feel blockage in any chakra, you can opt for square Antahkarana symbol and give Reiki.
  19. Sit on any Antahkarana symbol to ground yourself.
  20. Take a printout of the symbol and use it as a crystal grid base.
  21. Just keeping it near your aura can bring positive effects on aura and chakras.
  22. Put along with your angel/tarot deck to cleanse the decks.

Whether it is a prayer, meditation, a Reiki or a simple massage session, Atahkarana will dispel any residual energies that might emerge from such therapies.

If placed close to you, the Antahkarana has the ability to start and enhance the Taoist Microcosmic orbit.

This is a Qi-Gong method of stimulating the energy centers, energy points, organs and meridians within the human body.

It’s a very helpful meditation for restoring the energetic balance of your whole body.

The energy that’s created will flow afterward through your chakras, cleansing and activating them in the process.


Where To Place The Antahkarana Symbols

This depends on your intuition and/or need.

The Antahkarana Square usually goes well under the chairs, tables, beds, pillows, even below an entire office.


Antahkarana Cross can sit on a piece of furniture or on the wall.


Yin Antahkarana – You can place it under the furniture as well as on the wall.


Yang Antahkarana – goes well on the wall that’s closest to you in order to enhance the vital energy and amplify your energy fields. Place it under the bed and it will help you have a very relaxing sleep.


Are you using this symbol regularly or just starting to experiment with it?

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April Garrett
2 years ago

Recently loss my fiance and I still live in the home that we shared together.. where he passed